Let's Revitalise Mosman Park's Town Centre
This page refers to work in developing the Town Centre plan that commenced in 2017. This project is being continued in a new form in 2023 through the Mosman Park Precinct Structure Plan - yoursay.mosmanpark.wa.gov.au/mppsp
The Town of Mosman Park sees that a revitalised Town Centre could attract new opportunities for the Town. Since the project began in 2017, the Town has steadily progressed through a series of planning and consulting stages to construct and confirm the vision for the Town Centre.
What's happening now?
This project is progressing well. We now have a draft concept plan to deliver the new vision for our revitalised Town Centre, and we want to share it with you and get your ideas to make it as exciting as possible. The draft Mosman Park Town Centre Plan (TCP) is a spatial policy and action plan that is designed to create:
"An urban village which blends architecture, landscape and activity to create a busy and visually appealing place that remembers its past and is distinctive from its surrounds.”
The TCP delivers the vision for the Town Centre. In the short term (0-5 years), we aim to achieve small wins in activation and beautification of the area while initiatives that require the co-operation of external stakeholders (e.g. State Government, Main Roads, other local governments) are likely to be implemented over the longer-term (10+ years).
Key elements of the vision
- The identification of five distinct precincts and recommendations to enhance the amenity of each precinct;
- Positioning Glyde Street as a destination, while also acknowledging that Glyde Street is already at capacity even without future development;
- Retaining and enhancing access to shops and services;
- Creating housing diversity in close proximity to the CBD, its services, and public transport connections;
- Recommendations for larger and longer-term infrastructure improvements which will improve access and traffic flow into and through the Town Centre; and
- Identification of shorter-term initiatives that could immediately improve people’s experience when they visit the Town Centre.
How can I get involved?
The Walkabout Workshops we were using at the start of the consultation period on the draft concept plan were unfortunately cancelled due to COVID. Instead, you are invited to participate online by:
- Viewing our video, which explains the key features and proposals in the draft TRP; and
- Completing the Virtual Walkabout and Survey below.
- Email to admin@mosmanpark.wa.gov.au
- The pubic advertising period is ongoing.