Update - 20/01/2024: Application to Amend the WAPC Approval

Application to Amend the WAPC Approval

The Town has received a referral from the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) regarding an application to amend its approval issued on 10 of August 2023.

The amendment is minor in nature and seeks to modify the following aspects of the approved plans:

  • Building C - podium extents;
  • Building C – 2 storey apartment typologies;
  • Building B – level 1 amenities;
  • Ground Floor-Loading Bay consolidation and substation refinement;
  • Adjustments to Building C floor to floor heights (within the approved envelope of the building);
  • Internal configuration modifications to apartments and townhouses throughout the building in response to interior, structural and sales advice;
  • Updates to the Building C bridge link including consolidation and removal of voids;
  • Changes to Building B level 1 façade treatment; and
  • Modifications required per Condition 3 of Form 17B approval SDAU-021-20.

All proposed amendments are generally regarded as minor in nature. They are also characteristic of the detailed design process (post-approval) for significant apartment and mixed-use developments. This has been confirmed by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (Department)as the approach to be taken.

The Town has been given 31 days to provide referral comments on the minor amendments back to the Department. Given the minor nature of the amendments, the Department has determined that there is no requirement to seek public comment.

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