Update 24/5/24 - Clarification on Permit for Activities on Thoroughfares application

There is currently heightened community interest and misinformation associated with the Permit for Activities on Thoroughfares (PAT) application the Town of Mosman Park is currently assessing for the WAPC-approved 5-storey mixed-use development at 46 Manning Street, Mosman Park.

The PAT will be considered by Mosman Park Council at its Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 28 May, as the Town continues to advocate for the best and safest outcomes for the Mosman Park community. Read the May OCM agenda here


  • Contrary to claims made, the Town is not ‘ceding’ land.
  • The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has granted development approval for the significant development within the lot boundaries at 46 Manning Street. Council cannot overturn this approval.
  • The PAT seeks approval for works in the verge, road and laneway areas only.
  • The Town has undertaken a thorough and diligent review process, guided by independent legal advice and technical experts. Traffic engineers have been engaged to assess the potential impact of the proposed application.
  • Community benefit and safety remains the Town’s highest priority while taking the necessary steps to ensure that our actions comply with our statutory and legal obligations.
  • The Town has a legal responsibility to consider this PAT application on its merits. The guidance provided by our legal advisors and technical experts will inform the Council’s decision regarding the PAT application. Any refusal would need to be supported by lawful reasoning.
  • The Town is mindful of community opposition to this development and is committed to upholding its responsibilities to its residents and ensuring that all decisions are in the best interests of the community as a whole.
  • Traffic safety and other concerns were raised by the Town during its initial assessment of the PAT. These concerns have since been remedied by the applicant.
  • These amendments comply with Australian Standards and have been assessed to meet safety standards and promote a better traffic flow.

Why is the Officer’s Recommendation to approve the PAT?

  • The Town’s contracted traffic consultant has worked with the Town and the applicant’s traffic consultants to ensure safety is the utmost priority. This process has been overseen by the State Development Assessment Unit (SDAU) and Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH).
  • Car parking is fully compliant and provided for on the developer’s site.
  • The Town has received an application for works in the public realm. These works include upgrades and improvements including traffic calming, underground power, new parking bays, trees and a public piazza.
  • The Town has no objections to improvements to the public realm and additional convenience parking on the provision that those works are safe and compliant with Australian Standards.
  • The developer will pay for at their own cost for the upgrades and improvements to the public realm including traffic calming.
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