What is sustainability?
Sustainability involves fulfilling the needs of current generations without compromising the needs of future generations, while striking a balance between economic growth, environmental care and social well-being.
Why is the Town implementing a Sustainability Strategy?
The Strategy will provide the Town with a guiding framework for planning projects, improving business structures and allocating resources towards appropriate action on sustainability issues, such as climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss.
What are the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals?
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) comprise 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for completion by 2030. They take a holistic approach to sustainability and address the global challenges currently faced world-wide, including climate change, environmental degradation, education and employment, access to clean energy, public health, and inequality.
Why is the Town using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as the framework for the Strategy?
Although the targets and indicators under each of the UN SDGs are designed for national governments, the Town has utilized the UN SDGs in developing the framework for the Strategy to demonstrate that the work done within the Mosman Park community contributes to the achievement of global objectives.
The Town has condensed the 17 UNSDG’s into seven key themes for the Sustainability Strategy, focusing in areas that are targeted and relevant to our community and the Town’s Strategic Community Plan.
What do each of the sustainability themes in the Strategy refer to?
Using water in a more sustainable way by reducing scheme water use, improving efficiency, and moving to more sustainable water sources.
Natural Environment:
Green spaces within the Town and how these are managed to support biodiversity and adapt to a changing climate.
Community Wellbeing:
Working towards a safe, healthy, and inclusive Town that fosters social connection and lifelong learning.
Avoiding waste and improving resource recovery in both the Town’s operations and community.
Built Environment:
Growth and development that is sustainable, community-minded and respects the Town’s heritage.
Energy & Transport:
Energy sources and modes of transport used by the Town’s operations and community, and the associated greenhouse gas emissions.
Leadership & Governance:
Embedding sustainability into the Town’s workplace culture, operations, and decision-making processes.
What happens to my comments?
Your comments will be carefully considered as part of the process to finalise the Strategy before it is presented to Council for final adoption.
Where can I go for more information?
Sustainability in the Town of Mosman Park
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals