The Minister for Planning Lands and Heritage, through his refusal to approve Scheme Amendment No.6 on the 15th of September 2023, acknowledged that the Town was in its early phases of development a new Local Planning Strategy and required that the Town review the R Coding for the centre, in line with the expectations of the WAPC approval for redevelopment of a large part of the centre. Through this investigation process, the Town is following this direction, and, as per the requirements of the SPP4.2 will be seeking to further investigate the housing opportunities within walking distance to the Wellington Village Centre.
This will be a separate investigation process, which will require further consultation with the community and the potential drafting of an appropriate scheme amendment, and/or a Local Planning Policy response to any future changes to density coding within the identified catchment area. The Town has not yet undertaken any of this investigation and has therefore not drawn any conclusions with regards to any specific density code changes currently. The Town is not required to commit to this action or process until such time as endorsement is given by the WAPC and Minister for Planning on the final adoption of the Local Planning Strategy.
What is a Local Planning Strategy?
A Local Planning Strategy is a comprehensive document that outlines the envisioned future, key challenges, potential opportunities, proposed actions, and the underlying rationale for the prospective development of each local government area.
The Local Planning Strategy will be an expression of how the Town intends to plan for the future, considering a range of community priorities and policy requirements. This is the long-term plan (10-15yrs) for Mosman Park's development.
A Local Planning Strategy, once adopted, can influence a range of planning decisions. This can include decisions on development applications, proposed amendments to the Town’s Local Planning Scheme, policies, or other plans (such as a Precinct Structure Plan) and guide the Town’s advocacy positions. The local planning strategy provides a vision and strategic direction for future development, but it does not have the legal authority to enforce zoning changes. For the zoning change to take effect, it must be formally amended in the local planning scheme through a statutory process.
The Local Planning Strategy shall be prepared in accordance with the State Government’s Local Planning Strategy Guidelines 2023 - https://www.wa.gov.au/system/files/2024-04/local-planning-strategy-guidelines.pdf
What is 'Mosman Park Now'?
Mosman Park Now in a document that gives an overview of the range of considerations that will help shape the Local Planning Strategy.
This document can be used to help guide discussions and bolster understanding about planning for the future, and provides a context summary. This document is available for download in the Document library, in the panel on the right of the project information page.
Why do we need a Local Planning Strategy?
We are reviewing the strategy due to our statutory requirements and to ensure good planning outcomes. The State Government mandates that every local government must keep their planning frameworks up to date.
This means having a contemporary Local Planning Scheme that follows best-practice methods for managing land use. Before making a new Local Planning Scheme, or making significant changes to an existing one, a Local Planning Strategy is required.
A local planning strategy makes sure that any planning changes, like proposals to amend the scheme or to adjust local planning rules, are thought about in a consistent manner and are aligned to community values.
Does the Town already have a Local Planning Strategy?
The Town has an existing Local Planning Strategy, which was adopted in May 2013. This informed the development of Local Planning Scheme No.3.
Since that time, the Town’s planning framework has been updated numerous times. To ensure the Town’s approach to planning continues to remain contemporary and responds to changing community priorities and State government planning reforms, a new Local Planning Strategy is needed.
What is a Local Planning Scheme?
The Local Planning Scheme is a statutory document that sets out what land is to be used and developed.
This includes the zoning and Residential Density Coding (R–Coding) of Residential property.
It provides the framework for decision-making regarding development and the use of land.
The Local Planning Scheme is the principal mechanism for implementing the Local Planning Strategy.
How does the Local Planning Strategy relate to the Local Planning Scheme?
The Local Planning Strategy sets out the direction for long-term land use planning and vision for the Town.
The Local Planning Scheme sets out the ‘rules’ for development in the Town that align with this direction and vision. The strategy will guide where the Town and applicants can and should amend the zoning / R-Coding.
How can I provide feedback to the Local Planning Strategy?
The Draft Local Planning Strategy is being tabled at the 27 August 2024 Council meeting to seek Council’s consent to advertise. We require the WAPC’s certification (endorsement) of the Draft Strategy before we are allowed to formally advertise and seek further comment and feedback from the community. A comprehensive community engagement program will follow once we have the endorsement of the State Government to proceed, which may include modifications further to the Draft document presented to Council.
Further information on this project will be published as decisions are made by the WAPC, including how you will be able to have your say.
Stay up to date with the latest by clicking the 'updates' tab on the YourSay Project Page.
What will happen to the stakeholder and community feedback?
We will use you feedback to inform the Town’s long-term planning priorities, seeking to capture your community values and local solutions to local challenges in planning and the built environment. Your feedback will be used in developing the draft Local Planning Strategy by the Town’s Planning Team.
How can I find out more about the Local Planning Strategy?
If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Town’s Planning Department on 9383 6600 or via email to admin@mosmanpark.wa.gov.au(External link) including the subject line heading ‘Local Planning Strategy'.
How do I stay up to date with this project?
If you have created a YourSay account we will send an email newsletter updating you on the project. If you have filled out the online survey without creating an account we will use the email provided in your answers to keep you up to date.
What does this mean for me and my property?
The local planning strategy is the long-term plan (10-15 Years) for a local government area. This will set the plan for the future and provide the basis for which a local government or private landowners can rezone their land in the future. You do not need to take any action at this time.
If my property is earmarked for a higher R Coding does that mean I can now subdivide or built units or townhouses?
No. The Local Planning Strategy is the long-term plan, it itself does not rezone or recode the land to a different or higher coding, that is done through a Scheme Amendment to Local Planning Scheme No.3 which is a separate process and subject to community consultation. If you have a question about development or subdivision, please call the Town’s Urban Planning team who can provide you with further advice.
If I own property in the Wellington Village Planning Area and the map is showing a potential higher coding, does this mean that the Town / Council want to see high density development in my area?
No. The Town is following direction from the Minister for Planning to review the density coding for the neighbourhood centre, in line with the WAPC Approval for the Mos Lane Development. The Town is also following guidelines through State Planning Policy 4.2 which requires local government, since July 2023, through their local planning strategy review to increase housing opportunities within walking distance to neighbourhood centres.
Council holds its position that it opposes the WAPC approved development and the associated scale and density.
The Town is required, through the local planning strategy process, to respond to the requests of the Minister and adhere to the state planning policy framework in developing the Draft Strategy.
What is planned for Wellington Village?
Wellington Village has been proposed as a Planning Area given that it is identified as a Neighbourhood Centre as per State Planning Policy 4.2 Activity Centres (SPP4.2).
Like Mosman Park Village, it is an important focal point that provides daily to weekly household shopping needs with convenient stores and services. SPP 4.2 was amended and published in July 2023, and includes provisions which require local government to achieve medium and high-density housing incorporated within activity centre cores and frame areas and the walkable catchment(s) of activity centres. This is to support the non-residential functions of the activity centre, providing opportunities to live near services and employment, establish a sense of community and increase activity outside normal business hours. https://www.wa.gov.au/government/publications/state-planning-policy-42-activity-centres
What is planned for Mosman Park Village Precinct Structure Plan area?
The Town is continuing to progress the Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) for the Town Centre. The streetscape masterplan to design Glyde Street is next, and we will be asking for the community’s input into what they want to see Glyde Street look like.
The density coding and zoning of the Town Centre will be guided by the detailed analysis forming the PSP, and this Draft PSP will be subject to its own process of approvals to advertise via the WAPC / State Government.
What is planned for Buckland Hill?
It has been identified that this is an area adjacent to North Fremantle that is changing and intensifying. The Minister for Planning approved Scheme Amendment 2 in 2023, to up-code parts of Riversea View, and the Town believes that further investigation is required for the entirety of the Buckland Hill estate to evaluate what density coding can and should apply in that area.
We are seeking to provide a transition, from the intense development on our border (to the City of Fremantle), back through to public open space, which is identified as Bushfire Prone, balancing the needs for housing diversity but also managing bushfire risks to residents.
What is planned for Victoria Street Station?
The Town has identified that there is an opportunity to provide more housing within proximity to the Victoria Street Train Station. This area requires further detailed planning and investigation over the coming years. It is therefore identified as a Planning Area, and that Council at a future date will look further into refining its planning controls to cater for this station precinct.
What is planned for the Wellington street area?
The Town has identified the Wellington Street area as a Planning Area due to its proximity to and locational extension of the Victoria Street Station Planning Area. The land along Wellington Street consists of a mix of low, medium, and higher density development of varying forms and condition. Redevelopment of this wider area has the potential to deliver significant improvements to built form quality, housing mix and improvements to the public realm. This Planning Area will be subject to further planning and investigation over the coming years
How can I find out more about the Local Planning Strategy?
If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Town’s Planning Department on 9383 6600 or via email to admin@mosmanpark.wa.gov.au(External link)(External link) including the subject line heading ‘Local Planning Strategy'.
How do I stay up to date with this project?
If you have created a Your Say account, we will send updates direct to your inbox. If you have filled out the online survey without creating an account, we will use the email provided in your answers to keep you up to date.
Why are some of the Planning Area maps not included in the attachment for the August Council Meeting Agenda?
The draft Local Planning Strategy has been prepared, and is scheduled to go to the 27 August 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting for endorsement to advertise.
To ensure that mapping is not reflective of any unapproved position, and given that is subject to change, the maps for the Mosman Park Village Precinct Structure Plan area, and the Rocky Bay Scheme Amendment area will remain confidential at this time.
The Rocky Bay Scheme Amendment 9, forming part of the McCabe Precinct Planning Area is subject to a separate planning process which is currently underway. The Scheme Amendment which Council endorsed for advertising earlier this year, also needs to be endorsed for advertising by the Minister for Planning prior to the town undertaking public engagement or publicising the amended scheme map.
Similarly, the Town is currently in the final drafting stages of the Mosman Park Village Precinct Structure Plan, (MPV-PSP) and Draft Scheme Amendment 11 which indicates mapping that has not yet been presented to Council, the WAPC nor the Minister for Planning.
The maps will form part of the documentation package presented to Council, so that if Council approves the Local Planning Strategy for advertising, this will all be forwarded to the DPLH who will assess and make recommendations to the State Statutory Planning Committee. The WAPC will resolve to advertise, with or without amendments, before presenting to the Minister for Planning to seek final consent to advertise.