Local Laws Review

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The Local Government Act 1995 (Act) requires local governments to review their local laws every eight years to make sure they are still current and fit for purpose.

The Town of Mosman Park has considered its suite of local laws and prioritised a schedule of review. The process to review each local law and to either amend, repeal or leave unchanged will be carried out over the next two years commencing September 2024.

The Town’s current suite of local laws will be reviewed in order (a-h) and includes:

  1. Activities on Thoroughfares and Trading in Thoroughfares and Public Places Local Law 2000
  2. Local Laws relating to Floodlights and Other Exterior Lights 1998
  3. Town of Mosman Park Signs Hoardings and Bill Posting Local Laws 1994
  4. Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2012
  5. Dogs Local Law 2012
  6. Town of Mosman Park Health Local Laws 1995
  7. Town of Mosman Park Local Laws Relating to Fencing 2004
  8. Bee Keeping Local Law 2010

* Please click the local law you wish to view above to see the current version under review

What feedback does the Town require?

The Town is seeking your input to support the development of a recommendation to amend, repeal or leave unchanged with the review of the above local laws.

To help you provide feedback, here are some definitions:

  • Amend - make minor changes to the local law in order to make it fairer or more accurate, or to reflect changing circumstances. If the recommendation to Council is to amend, the draft local law will be presented to Council for permission to advertise for further consultation.
  • Repeal - to revoke or withdraw the local law formally if it is determined that it’s no longer fit for purpose. If the recommendation to Council is to repeal, the existing local law will be presented to Council for permission to advertise for further consultation.
  • Leave unchanged – no change will be made, this means no further consultation is required.

The local laws will be reviewed in a phased approach. The Town will seek feedback from the community to ensure its views are considered in two stages for each phase of review.

For Example:

  • Phase One: Stage one We will ask you to review the current local laws presented in this phase and provide your feedback on whether to amend, repeal or leave unchanged.
  • Phase One: Stage two We will advise you on Council's decision to amend, repeal or leave unchanged and seek your feedback on the draft amended local laws.

How to have your say:

Phase One, Stage one consultation is open: 25 September - 6 November 2024

View the discussion paper which contains details about the local laws being reviewed at each stage. You can find the discussion paper to the right of this page under ‘Important Information’.

Provide your feedback below by clicking on the ‘Have Your Say’ tab.

To submit feedback in writing or via email, please contact the Town.

Enquiries regarding the local law review can be directed to Laura van Dongen:

Stay up to date by following this project and check back here for updates in the 'Updates' tab below.

The Local Government Act 1995 (Act) requires local governments to review their local laws every eight years to make sure they are still current and fit for purpose.

The Town of Mosman Park has considered its suite of local laws and prioritised a schedule of review. The process to review each local law and to either amend, repeal or leave unchanged will be carried out over the next two years commencing September 2024.

The Town’s current suite of local laws will be reviewed in order (a-h) and includes:

  1. Activities on Thoroughfares and Trading in Thoroughfares and Public Places Local Law 2000
  2. Local Laws relating to Floodlights and Other Exterior Lights 1998
  3. Town of Mosman Park Signs Hoardings and Bill Posting Local Laws 1994
  4. Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2012
  5. Dogs Local Law 2012
  6. Town of Mosman Park Health Local Laws 1995
  7. Town of Mosman Park Local Laws Relating to Fencing 2004
  8. Bee Keeping Local Law 2010

* Please click the local law you wish to view above to see the current version under review

What feedback does the Town require?

The Town is seeking your input to support the development of a recommendation to amend, repeal or leave unchanged with the review of the above local laws.

To help you provide feedback, here are some definitions:

  • Amend - make minor changes to the local law in order to make it fairer or more accurate, or to reflect changing circumstances. If the recommendation to Council is to amend, the draft local law will be presented to Council for permission to advertise for further consultation.
  • Repeal - to revoke or withdraw the local law formally if it is determined that it’s no longer fit for purpose. If the recommendation to Council is to repeal, the existing local law will be presented to Council for permission to advertise for further consultation.
  • Leave unchanged – no change will be made, this means no further consultation is required.

The local laws will be reviewed in a phased approach. The Town will seek feedback from the community to ensure its views are considered in two stages for each phase of review.

For Example:

  • Phase One: Stage one We will ask you to review the current local laws presented in this phase and provide your feedback on whether to amend, repeal or leave unchanged.
  • Phase One: Stage two We will advise you on Council's decision to amend, repeal or leave unchanged and seek your feedback on the draft amended local laws.

How to have your say:

Phase One, Stage one consultation is open: 25 September - 6 November 2024

View the discussion paper which contains details about the local laws being reviewed at each stage. You can find the discussion paper to the right of this page under ‘Important Information’.

Provide your feedback below by clicking on the ‘Have Your Say’ tab.

To submit feedback in writing or via email, please contact the Town.

Enquiries regarding the local law review can be directed to Laura van Dongen:

Stay up to date by following this project and check back here for updates in the 'Updates' tab below.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please select your recommendation to either amend, repeal or leave unchanged the Local Laws as listed in this short survey. Please note you may only choose 1 option for each Local Law under review. There is space for you to add comment at the end of the survey.

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Page last updated: 18 Feb 2025, 12:49 PM