What is a Precinct Structure Plan?

    A Precinct Structure Plan is a planning document that provides a framework for guiding how an area will be planned and developed in the future. 

    Precinct Structure Plans are prepared in line with State Planning Policy 7.2 – Precinct Design https://www.wa.gov.au/government/publications/state-planning-policy-72-precinct-design

    What is an activity centre

    Activity centres are mixed use urban areas where there is a concentration of commercial, residential and other land uses. They are multi functional community focal points where poeple live, work, shop, meet and relax. They vary in size and function and generally well serviced by transport neteworks with a focus on public transport and active transport. 

    There are 7 classifications of activity centres under State Planning Policy 4.2 Activity Centres (SPP 4.2). The Mosman Park activity centre, is designated as a Neighbourhood Centre. Its main role is to provide daily/weekly houshold shopping needs and convenience services. These centres play an important role in providing walkable access to services and facilities for local communities.

    Why is the Town preparing a Precinct Structure Plan?

    There are two key reasons the Town is undertaking this project. 

    1. The State Government have set a minimum target for an additional 1,500 dwellings across the Town of Mosman Park by 2050, and it is likely that a significant proportion of this will be accommodated in the Mosman Park Town Centre. 

     Planning for this anticipated growth will require detailed consideration of the local area including:

    • Local community vision and values; 
    • The local environment;
    • The cultural and heritage values of the area;
    • How the centre is currently used and any future opportunities; 
    • The character of the buildings in the centre and how future development can respond to that;
    • How the centre is laid out and how that impacts how the centre functions and is used by the community; and
    • How people move around the centre using all transport modes (walking, cycling, public transport, private vehicle.

    2. Since commencing planning investigations for the Town Centre in 2017, the State Government have implemented State Planning Policy 7.2 – Precinct Design.  https://www.wa.gov.au/government/publications/state-planning-policy-72-precinct-design

    State Planning Policy 7.2 recognises that some areas have more variables and considerations that impact how they will develop and therefore require more detailed planning and design to achieve good built environment outcomes. 

    The Mosman Park Town Centre encompasses a mix of residential dwellings and businesses that interface with Stirling Highway and the Fremantle train line both providing direct access to the Perth CBD and Fremantle. Future development in this neighbourhood will require detailed consideration of the centre’s place and movement characteristics, warranting the preparation of a Precinct Structure Plan.

    All previous plans undertaken by the Town, including the 2017 Lets Revitalise Mosman Park’s Town Centre, will be reviewed as background information for the precinct structure plan.  

    The Mosman Park Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan will require endorsement by the Town of Mosman Park Council, however, final approval of the plan is required from the Western Australian Planning Commission.

    Who will prepare the Precinct Structure Plan?

    The State Government have set a target for an additional 1,500 dwellings across the Town of Mosman Park by 2050 and it is likely that a significant proportion of this will be accommodated in the Mosman Park Town Centre.

    The Town has engaged Hames Sharley to lead the development of the Mosman Park Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan. Hames Sharley will work with a consultant team to consider:

    1. Local community vision and values 
    2. The local environment
    3. The cultural and heritage values of the area
    4. How the centre is currently used and any future opportunities 
    5. The character of the buildings in the centre and how future development can respond to that
    6. How the centre is laid out and how that impacts how the centre functions and is used by the community
    7. How people move around the centre using all transport modes (walking, cycling, public transport, private vehicle)

    The Mosman Park Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan will require endorsement by the Town of Mosman Park Council, however final approval of the plan is granted from the Western Australian Planning Commission. 

    To view the previous work undertaken to revitalise the Town Centre click here

    Where will the Precinct Structure Plan apply to?

    The Mosman Park Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan will apply to the areas within the precinct boundary shown below. 

    What will happen to all the previous studies and work undertaken for the Town Centre?

    The previous studies have been anaylsed by the Town's consultant, Hames Sharley who is driving the Precinct Structure Plan project.  Any information that continues to be of relevance will inform future technical documents prepared for the Town Centre.

    Will the Precinct Structure Plan change how the Town Centre will look?

    Change in the Mosman Park Town Centre is already occurring and planned to occur in the future. This project is an opportunity to be proactive, enabling the community to work with the Town to develop a vision, design, and the planning rules which will guide this change.

    How will the Precinct Structure Plan impact my property?

    If your property is located within the precinct structure plan area, the requirements of the plan will apply to your property. The specific requirements have not been determined yet, therefore the exact impacts on your property are unknown.  

    There are opportunities throughout the project where you can help inform how the Precinct Structure Plan is developed and provide feedback on the draft (see ‘How can I get Involved’).  

    How long will the Precinct Structure Plan take to prepare?

    The Precinct Structure Plan will take approximately two years to complete. It takes this long as there are several elements to consider including such as community inputs, technical considerations – services, traffic, environment and cultural and heritage matters. 

    The plan requires endorsement by the Council and final approval by the Western Australian Planning Commission. 

    How can I get involved?

    There will be several opportunities to be involved with the preparation of the Precinct Structure Plan. All opportunities to participate will be made available through this page. 

    The first opportunity to be involved is to nominate to be part of the Community Reference Group. The Community Reference Group will be made up of approximately 40 randomly selected members of the community who will participate in two intensive workshops on 13 May & 10 June 2023.  

    Details of how you can nominate to be part of the group is available on the main project page.   

    How can I stay up to date with this project?

    If you have created a YourSay account we will send an email newsletter updating you on the project. If you have filled out the survey without creating an account we will use the email provided in your answers to keep you up to date.

    What is the Community Reference Group and what role do they play in the project?

    In April 2023, the Town established a Community Reference Group (CRG) for this project. The CRG was made up of approximately 40 members of the community, who were randomly selected following an Expression of Interest process. 

    The purpose of using a CRG was to enable a greater level of community input into the development of the Precinct Structure Plan. The CRG attended two full day workshops which allowed significantly more time for those participants to understand the rationale for the project, technical information and background activities, and share their local knowledge, values and aspirations for the area.  

    Specifically, the role of the Community Reference Group was to:

    • Support development of principles that will be used to inform the draft Mosman Park Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan.
    • Represent the broader community of Mosman Park.

    Who is the decision maker for the Mosman Park Village PSP?

    In accordance with the Deemed Provisions of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015, the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is the responsible decision-maker for a PSP.