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Tom Perrott playground has reached the end of its useful life and will need to be replaced.
The Town is now seeking information from community members who regularly attend this playground about how they are currently using the Tom Perrott playground.
A staged approach to community engagement will be undertaken with the first stage aimed at those currently using this playground.
This data will be collected via in situ signage at the Tom Perrott playground.
To have your say you can scan the QR link on the sign at the playground which will take you to a short online survey.
Following stage 1. of the community engagement, a review of the data will be undertaken to inform future engagement stages.This information will also be used to inform the playground design. Once designs are received further consultation will be undertaken to choose the final design.
Have your say
Simply scan the QR code on the sign you see next time you visit Tom Perrott playground and click the 'take survey' button below.
Stage 1. of this engagement will be open 14 June - 5 August 2024
Tom Perrott playground has reached the end of its useful life and will need to be replaced.
The Town is now seeking information from community members who regularly attend this playground about how they are currently using the Tom Perrott playground.
A staged approach to community engagement will be undertaken with the first stage aimed at those currently using this playground.
This data will be collected via in situ signage at the Tom Perrott playground.
To have your say you can scan the QR link on the sign at the playground which will take you to a short online survey.
Following stage 1. of the community engagement, a review of the data will be undertaken to inform future engagement stages.This information will also be used to inform the playground design. Once designs are received further consultation will be undertaken to choose the final design.
Have your say
Simply scan the QR code on the sign you see next time you visit Tom Perrott playground and click the 'take survey' button below.
Stage 1. of this engagement will be open 14 June - 5 August 2024
This short survey relates to stage 1. community engagement for Tom Perrott playground.
Stage 1. community engagement aims to survey the current and existing users of Tom Perrott playground.
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Consultation begins for stage one of the community engagement program inviting existing playground users to have your say. Signage at Tom Perrott playground is installed with a QR code linking community members to the online surevy.
Under Review
Tom Perrott Playground is currently at this stage
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes.
Stage Two community engagement commences
this is an upcoming stage for Tom Perrott Playground
During this stage of engagement, community members will be invited to have their say on the replacement playground design. Usually up to 3 options are provided.
Engagement closes
this is an upcoming stage for Tom Perrott Playground
Stage 2 engagement closes. Staff liaise with contractors to determine removal of the existing equipment and and installation of the new design.
Close the loop
this is an upcoming stage for Tom Perrott Playground
Community are advised of the outcome and kept up to date with progress.