Survey: Community priorities for public open space in the Town of Mosman Park
Reading time (supporting documents): 10-15mins
Time to complete the survey: 5-10mins
How to complete this survey:
This survey lists the proposed actions to improve the quality and function of Public Open Spaces within The Town of Mosman Park.
You will notice there are several categories within which sit a number of these proposed actions. Across the categories please select the actions that you support. You are able to select all the actions you support. If you do not support an action, you may leave this unselected.
At the end of each page there is a text box where you can comment on the proposed actions.
If you disagree with any of the proposed actions, you may also use this space to list the actions you do not support and provide your feedback here.
Tip: Referring back to the supporting documents will help you to complete this survey. Please open the documents first, be sure to open them in a new tab so you can flick back to the supporting information as you progress through the questions.